2022 CCC Symposium
Reconstitution of Organelle Interactions: Towards
Synthetic Cell Biology
March 3-4, 2022
The Center for Cellular Construction (CCC) at UCSF is organizing a symposium on Reconstitution of Organelle Interactions: Towards Synthetic Cell Biology on March 3-4th, 2022. The symposium will be a 2-day event with virtual talks on March 3, 9am-3:30pm PT, and poster presentations and brainstorming on March 4 (virtual).
At the CCC, we are taking a multidisciplinary approach to developing the discipline of cellular engineering. Our efforts have focused on re-engineering the size and shape of organelles within intact cells. However, we have begun to realize that to fully engineer cells we will need to gain control over the interactions between organelles. Toward this goal, we wish to pursue a new research direction aimed at uncovering new principles of sub-cellular self-organization, using reconstitution/ synthetic biology approaches. We hope this symposium will further galvanize research into mesoscale subcellular architecture and engineering, and create a forum for those interested in this exciting field to interact. We aim to gather field experts from a wide range of disciplines to highlight existing challenges and new frontiers in organelle biology, focusing specifically on emerging questions in organelle interactions and organelle reconstitution systems.
This symposium is sponsored by the CCC, a Science & Technology Center funded by the National Science Foundation. REGISTRATION IS FREE.
Poster abstract submission -Deadline extended to February 20
Registration – February 20

NOTE: Zoom and gather.town links will be circulated via email to registrants by 2/28/22
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Virtual talks and panel discussion
Friday, March 4, 2022
Poster session & discussion
virtual(Times in PST)
9:00-9:30 Lightning talks
9:30 – 11:00 Poster Session
11:00 – 12:00 Discussion - (for people in the Bay Area: you are welcome to join the organizers for lunch at 1 pm at SPARK, an outside food truck park. Proof of COVID is not required, but please let people know if you are not vaccinated, or if you’ve had a recent exposure.)
About the organizers:
Caitlin Cornell is a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Daniel Fletcher (Dept. of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley), where she investigates the biophysical design principles of host protein sorting into the membrane of enveloped viruses. She is also examining the physical properties that govern mammalian macrophage interactions with diverse targets.
Mary Mirvis is a postdoc Wallace Marshall’s lab, interested in understanding how organelles interact spatially, geometrically, and physically, and how these interactions cumulatively influence the positioning and morphology of each organelle and the overall patterning of the cell. She is studying mesoscale cell organization and organelle interactions in budding yeast using a combination of microscopy techniques and statistical modeling, as well as employing evidence synthesis methods to examine principles of organelle-level cell organization across eukaryotes.
Ambika Nadkarni is a joint postdoctoral scholar in the laboratories of Dr. Sindy Tang (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University) and Dr. Wallace Marshall (Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, UCSF), where she studies the molecular mechanisms of wound healing in the ciliate Stentor coeruleus.
QUESTIONS? Please contact us.
Mary Mirvis | [email protected]
Caitlin Cornell | [email protected]
Ambika Nadkarni | [email protected]