CCW Cohort Teachers, click on the link below to login and access editable worksheets and presentation slides
Lesson Materials
Use the toggle menu below to filter lesson data base by topic or classroom style (in-person/virtual):
Teacher’s Guide
Materials Guide
A list of all materials used in the Cellular Construction Workshop, including purchasing source, item number, and price. Also contains a list of materials available to borrow at the SEP Resource Center.
EV3 Robot Setup
If your school site already has EV3 robots, this guide walks you through set up to connect them to Open Roberta.
Grants for Classroom Supplies
To help teachers purchase materials to do the Cellular Construction Lessons, we included a list of grant resources that may help secure funds for robots or other classroom materials.
Building Instructions
EV3 default robot building instructions found here.
Tech Resource Website
Resource website to help students with EV3 robots, Open Roberta, wifi issues, and more.
Misc. Robot Set-up
Worksheets for Open Roberta student account set-up, Robot Quick Start Guide, and more.
Nature’s Tiny Marvels
Explore the superheroes of the microscopic world through trading cards. Learn more about the superpowers of cells and microorganisms.
Scientist Interview
Meet Tom Zimmerman, Master Inventor at IBM. In this short video he’ll explain his path to science and his struggles along the way. We hope this video gives you and your students a new perspective on how real science works via creativity and collaboration.
Open Roberta
Open Roberta is a cloud-based programming language. It’s free to use and compatible with any internet-capable device (iPads, tablets, chromebooks, laptops, etc). Open Roberta also comes with a built-in robot SIM, allowing teachers to offer some of the above robotics lessons without purchasing LEGO robots.
Fun Stuff
Science should be fun and practiced within a community! Find all of our community building ideas and ice breaker activities here.
For questions about the Cellular Construction Workshop Lesson Materials, please email: [email protected], with the subject CCW lesson questions.